60.10 Orthodontic Separators and Banding
5.0 CE Credits 

This Bundle has 2 courses

1. 60.11 Separators Course 

Presentation: 25 min Run Time, Knowledge Quiz: 18 Questions, 2 CE Credits

Contents of the Separators Course

This course teaches everything an individual needs to know to select, place, and remove orthodontic separators carefully and safely.

Goal of this Course: Help the student select, place, and remove orthodontic separators correctly in preparation for placing orthodontic bands on teeth for orthodontic treatment.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the purpose of separators
  2. List 6 types of separators and the special features of each type
  3. Describe when each type of separator is indicated for use
  4. Demonstrate placement of each type of separator
  5. Describe special precautions that should be taken when placing each type of separator
  6. Give instructions to a patient for each type of separator
  7. Enter chart notes about placement of separators
  8. Describe procedures that should be done when a patient is “missing” a separator
  9. Demonstrate the removal of each type of separator
  10. Determine if special procedures will be necessary relative to the amount of interproximal space that was created for banding
  11. Describe procedures that are completed to close band space after debanding

2. 60.12 Orthodontic Banding Course

Presentation: 1 hour 41 minutes Run Time, Knowledge Quiz: 17 Questions, 3 CE Credits

Contents of the Orthodontic Banding Course

This course teaches every detail about band recognition, fitting, and cementation so that the individual who completes this course will be able to competently identify, fit, and cement orthodontic bands to the teeth. Orthodontic bands are not used as much today as they were in the 1970s when orthodontic bonding was introduced. Consequently, this course has been shortened to cover critical concepts. Yet, a special section has been included regarding fitting bands to specific teeth for when the orthodontic assistant encounters difficulties in a certain area.

Goal of this course: Help the student identify, fit, and cement orthodontic bands to the teeth.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. List 14 benefits of well-fitting bands

  2. List 16 criteria of well-fitting bands

  3. Identify and sort bands by materials, shapes, and sizes

  4. Identify and sort band brackets

  5. State the purpose of band bracket components so that the band features can be fully used

  6. Recognize and understand the use of auxiliary band attachments

  7. Select, organize, and prepare all materials for fitting bands

  8. Describe in detail all steps in fitting bands

  9. Describe specific challenges to fitting bands to selected teeth

  10. Select, organize, and prepare 20 items for cementation of bands

  11. Describe the different features and working procedures for at least 3 types of cementation materials

  12. Describe in detail each step in the cementation of bands

  13. Conduct band-failure charting to determine the factors that are contributing to band failure and corrective measures

Refund and cancellation policies:

A full refund will be given IF requested within 5 days (120 hours) after subscribing to the course, AND if the user has NOT OPENED the Course Presentation or any Knowledge Quizzes which generates a SCORM Tracking fee.

Once the student has started the presentation or a Knowledge Quiz, there is NO REFUND. The student should complete the course within the access period to earn the 5.0 CE Credits.

Course Release Date was January 2024. The next Course Review Date is December 2027.

OrthoTraining does not accept any commercial funding or engage with any joint providers.

OrthoTraining is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider of CE Credits

ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

OrthoTraining designates this activity for 5.0 CE Credits hours continuing education credits.

60.10 Orthodontic Separators and Banding
5.0 CE Credits
US $100.00 for 30 days